A bit of hard work never hurt anyone... in fact it can pay dividends

Feb 04, 2014

Over at wnDirect we're all feeling a bit pleased with ourselves. It's not just the few rays of sunshine which has motivated this euphoric state but the fact our attention to detail, focus on creating differentiated delivery solutions and research and investment all seem to be paying off.

In addition to our continued growth and trophy cabinet which now boasts a UK National Business Award research recently released by OC&C Strategy Consultants and Google praised a couple of well-known retailers for their 'market leading delivery' (I'll give you a hint..they're our clients) and, we are still the only carrier who is able to process and clear Russia customs and, therefore, the only carrier retailers can use to deliver into this region.

Not a bad start to the week! I'll wonder what we'll manage to achieve next week!

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