Data data everywhere

Jun 05, 2015

At wnDirect we pride ourselves on coming up with all sorts of creative ideas that continue to change the eCommerce landscape. In addition to our creativeness we are also rather good at numbers - not least so we can come up with all sorts of creative ways of proving our ROI!

As it is Friday afternoon we have been putting these combined skills to good use and coming up with interesting facts we thought might be fun to share with you!

As an international business, air travel is vital. We make it our business to genuinely understand a country before we launch a new lane and, therefore, visiting the destination is vital. A passing remark about how long I have spent in airports led me to ponder just that. How much time had I spent travelling?

With a little bit of help from the number crunchers it turns out I have flown 413,781 miles in BA aircraft alone spending a grand total of 5 weeks in the air (as in in total not as one trip, that would just be daft and probably motivate a barrage of comments regarding me and how I am shirking my responsibilities!)

To put that figure into context I could have flown to the moon and be on my way back or, instead, could have travelled 15.2 per cent of the sun's equator.

If we lined up Malano Blahnik's extending the same distance (I am playing to the fashion retailer's interests here!) there would be around 2.5 billion shoes (a lot even by Sarah Jessica Parker's standards!) or 644 million maxi skirts (I hope you appreciate this isn't a controlled study!)

So just a bit of Friday afternoon fun!

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