We love you mothers everywhere

Mar 09, 2015

In the run up to March 15th, children throughout the UK will be motivated to remember their mothers, and (hopefully!) shower them with gifts, cards and attention. Occurring on the fourth Sunday of Lent, Mother's Day in the UK is not connected to the American celebration, but has its roots in religious practice. Traditionally a day to return to one's "mother church," it was when children went home to visit family. Simnel cake - a fruit cake with two layers of almond paste and made with 11 balls of marzipan icing to represent the 11 disciples, was eaten as the rules of Lent were relaxed.

Mothering Sunday as we know it took off in the UK after the First World War, when many mothers had lost their sons. Maybe that's why children today spend nearly three times as much on Mother's Day than on Father's Day.

In the UK, the occasion is worth an estimated £400 million (£50.4 million of which is spent on cards), and in the gifting market it ranks above Valentine's Day. Blood is clearly thicker than water.

For retailers, a larger gap between Valentine's Day and Mother's Day is more beneficial for order value.

Mother's Day sales are aided by shopping advice sites - with 27% of people taking to them to find the right gift. This reveals the importance of content sites in the journey. At 70% year on year, sales through tablets are also on the rise. This points to the internet's ability to allow you to select the perfect gift without leaving your couch - who knew thoughtfulness could be so seamlessly combined with convenience? Whether selling flowers, chocolate, jewellery, or something else, Mother's Day is a commercial juggernaut.

Some cultures believe that the route to heaven lies under the feet of one's mother. So if you wish to be on the right side of the pearly gates, be sure to give your Mum a call, or have something delivered to her door.

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