It’s a Wrap

Nov 26, 2015

A little while ago we told you about the wonderful Wrap Up London project and how we were getting involved.

As a reminder Wrap Up London returned this year for its fifth year and focusses on asking Londoners to donate their old coats which are given to homeless shelters, refugee centres, women’s refuges and other charities. As we know a bit about delivery we decided to use our expertise and network to broaden Wrap Up’s reach, and enable people outside of London to be able to donate coats to the very worthy cause.

Using our Returns Portal and with the support of Collect+ (thank you guys!) we are delighted to say that we have managed to collect hundreds of coats which will soon be on their way to Wrap Up London HQ, where they be distributed to the people who need them most at this time of year.

We recently received some very kind words from the clever people that came up with the idea, and we wanted to pass them on as they are aimed at anyone who has donated to this year’s cause.

Jon Meech at Hands On London said: “This has been such an empowering initiative that has helped a lot of people get involved that would not otherwise have been able to. I am so pleased that it worked for you and Collect+. We would love to have you back again next year!

“Your support has been really appreciated and has made all the difference, not just in coat donations, but enabling people to join in who would not otherwise have been able to.”

We are well aware that we were only able to play a small part in this year’s campaign, but are already signed up for next year and look forward to being able to play our part in what is a really well deserving cause.

Thank you to everyone who donating a coat. You really will be making a difference to someone this winter!

Category: news

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